You have emerged.
You feel the change in the warmth of the sun as it moves closer to the earth. You can smell the dirt again, the rain is fresh, sprouts of green break through the ground.
This Ritual is to honour new beginnings with refreshed energy by planting a seed and imbuing it with an intention, wish or goal.
What you will need:
- Bloom Bath Tea
- Florescent Hearts Serum
- Small flower pot or seed tray
- Seed soil/ dirt
- A pack or seeds. small plant (known as a start or seedling), or clipping of a plant from a friend that you’ve put in water for a couple weeks to allow roots to grow
- Permanent marker (fine tip works best)
This spell does include some plant care, but don’t worry if plants have not always been your friend. This is the perfect opportunity to easily hone your skills. Here’s some tips: consider your location, if you do not have outdoor space then choose an indoor plant. Easy indoor plants such as spider plants or succulents would be good options. If you choose an outdoor plant, go to your local greenhouse and inquire which plants are easy to grow from seed and would do well in pots. We implore you to also choose a plant intuitively and do some research on the magical, medicinal and cosmetic properties of that plant. Or learn about the native species in your area and find an Indigenous owned business to purchase from that sells native plants and ask about the traditional uses of that plant.
Start by casting your circle, if that is in your practice. If not, consider inviting a couple elements that will help your plant and intention grow. Ask Earth to provide nutrients to the plants, call in Water to hydrate the plant so it’s roots might grow deep and strong.
Prepare your pot and dirt. You do this by first getting the soil damp, then lightly packing it into the pot. Work with bare hands, get them dirty. Smell the dirt, the earth, the living soil full of nutrients and imagine your own roots growing into that dirt so these intentions have a chance to bloom.
While you work start to think about an intention, goal or wish you would like to see come to fruition. Be creative, this can be anything as simple as prioritizing 5 minutes each day to rest and read a book, to more major accomplishments such taking that leap to apply for a better job or start a business. Try to get specific but frame it in 1-2 sentences.
Before you plant the seeds or start, hold them in your hand and repeat your intention 3 times over. Out loud is best but in your head is fine too.
Visualize yourself completing this goal, what does it feel like in your body? What does it look like? Does it have a taste or smell (maybe your goal is to learn to bake your favourite dessert). When you feel like you have a good sense of you living this goal, drop the seed into the pot and cover with a little dirt. We suggest planting a few seeds per pot and plant 2-3 pots of seeds to give them a good chance to grow. If you have a start then make a little hole in the dirt to sink the roots into and lightly tap around the base of the plant to support it in its new home. As you do this, make a promise to yourself and this little seed that you will nurture it to the best of your ability so it may grow and flourish.
For some extra magic, use a permanent marker to write your intention or some key words on the pot. Abracadabra! Words are spells, especially when spoken out loud or written down.
Finish this spell by first thanking the elements you called in. Run yourself a ritual bath using the Bloom Bath Tea. Inhale the essence of spring Jasmine and Magnolia and allow yourself to daydream about basking in the completion of this goal, feel yourself living it! When you emerge from the water, use the Florescent Hearts Serum, applying first at the heart and spreading outwards down your legs, imaging yourself rooting into the earth, then massage into your arms like branches reaching up and out. You can even put a little drop in the soil of your plant for extra love.
We encourage you to keep a little record of your growth, when the plant sprouts, record the date, and any observations or steps you’ve taken towards your goal. Where are you at in a few weeks, a couple months, end of the year? Be proud and grateful for the growth!
Should your plant never sprout, die early or eventually die, do not be hard on yourself. Some dreams, just like some plants may not be ready or meant to ever bloom. If this is the case, do some reflection- did you research what type of care the plant needed, did you neglect to water it properly? Likewise with your intention, did your attention or priorities change? Notice if this was for the better, did the universe open a different door to a path more suitable for you? Provide more exciting opportunities? What lessons did you learn? Take note and be grateful for anything brought to your awareness, remembering that growth of any kind is a beautiful thing.
Blessed Be