Made in Ritual
Botanical: Moss ~ connected deeply to life + death cycle, signifying new beginnings as winter winds down
Crystal: Agate ~ associated with nature + plants, it opens us up to the beauty of the planet
Fragrance: Birchwood ~ a symbol of regeneration, renewal + rebirth
Date: February 2nd
Imbolc stands as the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, ushering in spring through the gradual shift toward longer days and the gentle thawing of snow. As nature begins its renewal, with the first buds of spring peeking through, we too are presented with the opportunity for personal awakening and rejuvenation.
At the heart of Imbolc lies the reverence for Brigid, the triple goddess and versatile Celtic deity of water and fire. Brigid's multifaceted nature encompasses skills ranging from poetry and healing to blacksmithing and fertility. Drawing upon her healing prowess using herbs and water, as well as her embodiment of fertility, Brigid is invoked to cleanse the earth, purifying it in preparation for the abundance of the seasons ahead.
A time for rebirth, the word ‘Imbolc’ means ‘in the belly of the mother’ referring to the seeds of spring in the belly of Mother Earth. This ritual is dedicated to renewal, and your alter can be as simple or complex as you are drawn to create.
Having a bowl of fresh water and your ritual candle can be enough of an alter. The water symbolizing purification, and the coming of spring with the flame. Or include items that personally signify new beginnings. Brigid’s cross is a traditional totem that can be woven or drawn as a symbol of protection. Other items that represent Imbolc include:
Botanicals: Daffodils, Snowdrops, Willow
Fragrance oils: bergamot, vanilla,
Colours: green, blue, gold
Crystals: sunstone, moss agate, ruby
After setting up your altar, light the candle, and invite the warm white glow of the flame to envelop you as you envision the blossoming of spring. Gently immerse your hands or fingers into the bowl of water, tracing a path from your crown to your third eye and then to your temples, symbolizing a purification of the spirit.
Take time to deeply reflect on what you aspire to begin or rejuvenate this spring season. Contemplate the emotional, spiritual, and physical preparations that are required for these endeavors, and document your insights, goals, and ambitions in your journal.
Basking in the light of the candle, envision your ambitions as tiny seeds nestled within your own being. Visualize the nurturing care they need to flourish, picturing the roots firmly anchoring into the soil of your intentions and the shoots reaching upward, ready to bloom into the world. With this mindful cultivation, you are laying the foundation for a bountiful and fulfilling spring ahead!